Monday, July 30, 2007

Updating Patience

There has been a lot of discussion on Savoynet about updating Patience.
I did see an "updated" flower-power sort of Patience with brightly colored sets in about 1967 or 68 at Ohio State. It was not very successful because the gyrations of the dancing simply did not go with the music. And the characters just weren't much fun.
It is my impression that the forthcoming Victorian opera production will be quite traditional.

Except perhaps for the Aardvarks!

Friday, July 27, 2007

More lyrics?

Well, I thought I had it all learned, and I looked at the blocking notes Robert Ray had sent me and find that it refers to a "second verse" of The Soldiers of Our Queen. Well, this isn't in the published score, but it IS in Bradley. I assume that the verse in question is

United as a clan/ We have arranged between us.
To introduce this plan / Within the courts of Venus:
With one emotion stirred / Beneath or belts of leather.
The Colonel gives the word / And all propose together!

I like it.
Lots of rain in the UK. This may not be sunny music!