Saturday, August 11, 2007

Awake and alive

Something about < 2 hours sleep on the plane suggested that I might make a short evening of it last night. I had dinner outside at the Clubhouse joining Savoynetters Lauri Weissbrot (from Connecticut) Sandra Vamplew and William Revels among others. The opera that night was a professional company's Mikado which I never had any intention of seeing, so I finished my dinner and went back to my hotel where I soon feel asleep and slept nearly 11 hours!
The Portland hotel is rather cheesy in its rooms, but its public areas are rather nice with breakfast served in a lovely solarium. Also it would seem, free wireless internet, although this may be by accident as it isn't mentioned anywhere.
There has been much discussion of Wednesday Savoynet production of Pinafore, that the adjudicator called "disappointing." I gather she has since toned down her criticisms and Neil Smith made it a point to praise the production at great length at the cabaret that followed.
Then tenor definitely had vocal problems, though, and Laurie admitted that the British tar trio went somewhat flat. Anyway they were devastated by what most felt were unfair criticisms. Too bad, as they probably were quite a bit better.

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